Friday, November 26, 2010

Prompt 7 - People Choosing Their Food.

Everybody has their own opinions when it comes to things they like to eat and things they don’t like to eat. It can all be in the nature of the human body, I mean it is out taste buds in our tongue that actually passes the taste throughout our mouth sending to our brain the signals if we like the food or not. If they like a certain type of food than that is the food that they are going to be eating for a long time or until they get bored of it. Once they get bored of it they start to look for a different type of food. People also choose their types of food but the looks and the smell of it. If a certain type of food looks nasty, people will not try it because in their mind they believe that since it looks nasty it must not be good. The same goes with the smell. If it smells nasty, then they will not eat it either. Well most of the time, if it smells nasty then it really are nasty because it probably goes bad. It is all in somebody’s minds. We make ourselves believe that something is not good but in reality it really is good. We are so used to eating one type of food because we are scared to explore the different types of foods in this world. We get stuck to one and that is the only food that we will eat for a long time.

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