Sunday, November 28, 2010


If you want to be a good driver you have to do everything that you would not do if there weren’t any rules. You have to drive carefully because there are still a lot of careless drivers out there. People just do not care about others and worry about themselves. They do not care if the way that they are driving might cause some sort of type of accident and they might end up hurting even killing somebody. You need to always keep your eyes on the road and look at your whole environment. You cannot text while driving. It is just stupidity. You do not need to be talking while you’re driving and if it is an emergency than you can pull over and call them. You need to follow all of the rules because they are there for a reason. You have to always stop at the stop signs and make sure that is it clear. When there is a yellow light try to avoid taking it because you never know if somebody is speeding and can just collide with you.

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