Do you remember when you didn't know 2+2 was 4?
Do you remember when you had to tell your mom somebody was at the door?
Do you remember when it was fun sleeping on the floor?
Man, Haha, I only did that when I was bored.
I remember all the times I ran up those stairs..
My mom was getting ready to pull my hair
Getting in trouble because I dodged my dad every time I had to stop playing.
Laughing with my friends because I was daydreaming.
Man, do you remember daydreaming about having icecream after school?
Do you remember when everybody was cool?
Do you remember when all you dreamt about was that during the whole summer, you can swim in a pool?
I remember when I fell off a stool.
Haha, I was such a fool.
Do you remember all of your child hood days?
To me, it is all becoming a daze,
But I will try to remember those beautiful days.
Do you remember?
I like this, you use some powerful imagery.